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Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and reflection. It is also a time for preparing a delicious meal for your loved ones. With so many things to think about, it is easy to forget the simple ways to conserve energy. This Thanksgiving, remember to:

Avoid overusing your oven:
-Cooking multiple things at once and resisting the urge to peek into the oven will keep your oven working only when it needs to. Remember that every time you open your oven, the temperature drops by 25 to 30 degrees in addition to raising the temperature in your kitchen. It is also wise to turn off the oven and burners when your feast is almost finished cooking to save electricity.

Make friends with your microwave:
-Microwaves use half as much electricity as conventional ovens, and cook items in a shorter time. Consider using your microwave to cook smaller items and leave the big dishes for the oven.

Choose your burners and lids wisely:
-Be sure to arrange your pots so that they match the burner size. Using a big burner for a small pot wastes energy. Additionally, it is important to be smart when choosing a lid for your pots and pans. The tighter the cover, the better!

Give your fridge a break:
-Your fridge works hard all the time! This Thanksgiving, consider using a cooler rather than opening your fridge over and over to get out cold items like drinks. Also be sure to give hot food time to cool down before storing them for a Black Friday meal. Hot foods that go into a fridge uncovered let off a vapor that makes your fridge work harder than normal. Be sure to cool down and cover dishes before loading them into the fridge.

Give yourself a break:
When all your guests have left, load the dishwasher and hit “start”! Using your dishwasher saves electricity and water. Be sure to fill it up completely to get the most bang for your buck!