Blue Grass Energy offers net metering opportunities.

Net metering is a way for members who generate part or all of their electricity to receive bill credits. It measures the difference between the electricity you buy from us and the energy you generate using your own renewable sources, such as solar or wind.

With net metering, you get the full value of the electricity you generate. Basically, you will be charged for the amount of energy that you purchase from us minus the cost of the energy that you provide to us.

If you decide to participate, please take a moment to review Blue Grass Energy’s rules and regulations required for net metering.

Read over them carefully and ensure that your system is in compliance with our tariff guidelines.

Information we need from you before the install is started:

Send all documents to

Additionally, you will need to contact your certified Kentucky electrical inspector to get an inspection of the net metering installation before receiving credit.

We look forward to serving you in any way that we can.


Read the official net metering rates schedule here.

View the entire version of the Net Metering Tariffs here.

Cost Recovery Worksheet

Net Metering Sample Bill

If you have a question about our net metering program and would like to email us, click here.