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We successfully made it to our destination in St. Louis but it was a challenge.

A 5 hour trip took just over 11 hours and 10 minutes. About 5 1/2 hours of that was was due to charging.

What did we learn on our long-distance trip?

Until the quick-charging infrastructure is built up and is more reliable, long-distance travel is, and will continue to be, difficult with vehicles that are all-electric. Many hotels have chargers onsite, however, the one we are staying at does not. So, tomorrow we will travel 5 miles to the closest charger on our app to recharge and hope it works better than the last one.

However, we’ve experienced very little inconvenience with the day-to-day travel throughout our service area. We charge each night on a level 2 charger and our Bolt is fully charged and ready to go each morning with about a 230-240 range.

If you are considering an all-electric vehicle, feel free to reach out to us. We will be happy to share what we know!