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Before purchasing an electric vehicle, you need to have a plan for how you are going to charge it. 

There are three levels of charging.

Level 1 is considered a slow charge. It is a standard 120-volt home receptacle on a dedicated circuit will provide three to four miles of driving range for every hour charging.

110 volt - 8 amps or 12 amps, takes up to 50 hours

Level 2 is a faster charger. A 240-volt connection will provide 10-20 miles of range for every hour of charging. This connection must be installed by an electrician who understands electric vehicle charging.

This is the level of charger we use at our offices and one is pictured above. 

Level 3 is the fastest charging. Direct Current (DC) fast charging (480-volt) will provide 100 to 200 miles of driving range in about an hour of charging. However, this option requires special equipment and isn't compatible with all vehicles.

Three-phase quick charge takes up to 1.5 hours.