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During this time of year, there is always a focus on giving. Therefore, it is the perfect time for Blue Grass Energy's Pennies for Purpose (PFP) to award its first donation. Mike Williams, President & CEO of Blue Grass Energy presented a check from the program for $1,000 to the Miracle Point Playground board in Pendleton County.

This donation will help support members of the Falmouth community who have been raising money for a playground that will be fully accessible for children and adults who use wheelchairs, orthotic braces and walkers.

"Making life better, the cooperative way is our purpose at Blue Grass Energy. On behalf of our Pennies for Purpose program, we were happy to make a donation to Miracle Point Playground. The playground will certainly make life better for some of our youngest members," said Williams.

PFP is funded by Blue Grass Energy members who round up their monthly electric bills to the nearest dollar; and provides funding to charitable causes within their 23-county service area.

Pictured L to R: Luke Price, Falmouth City Councilman, Jennifer Hartzel, Miracle Point Playground chairman, Ron Stinson, Mayor of Falmouth and Mike Williams, President & CEO, Blue Grass Energy.