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Spring is around the corner and with it is the possibility of storms. We urge all members to be weather ready for what Mother Nature sends. Follow these tips to be prepared and stay safe.

Before a storm:

  • Assemble an emergency kit with flashlights, battery-powered communication devices and chargers, and the food, water and medical needs of your family to survive prolonged power outages.
  • Stay tuned to severe storm information from the National Weather Service, and be aware that lightening presents a danger 10 miles ahead of a storm front.

After a storm:

  • Storm debris can hide dangers, such as downed or sagging power lines. Use caution in any cleanup effort. Any downed lines should be considered energized and potentially dangerous. Stay away, warn others to stay away, and call Blue Grass Energy.
  • If power lines come down on or around your vehicle, call for help and remain in the vehicle. Do not attempt to get out until we can assure you the power has been turned off.
  • Do not use electric yard tools to clean up after a storm if it is raining or the ground is wet.
  • Never step into a flooded basement if water could be covering electrical outlets or appliances that are plugged in.
  • Do not attempt to shut power off at the breaker box if you must stand in water to do so. Stay out of flooded rooms and basements until you are assured the power has been cut off.
  • Only use generators outdoors. Connect lights and appliances to the generator using extension cords rated for that use.

Safety is a priority for us at Blue Grass Energy and we want you to stay safe too.  For more safety tips, visit our safety section or the Kentucky Emergency Management’s